‘Til Lockdown Ends: Planning For the Future

A London University student’s guide to staying off TikTok and on track in lockdown number three. As the youngest member of team Goho, we decided to give intern Craig Fergus a platform to write about his experiences as a university student during lockdown, and the things he’s been doing to stay motivated and productive. It is safe to say that we could all learn a thing or two from Craig!

Amidst the Zoom quizzes, banana breads and a worldwide obsession with Connell from Normal People’s chain, the first lockdown left us in limbo. However, as we approach the (vaccinated) future, it’s time to log out the socials and start preparing for a post-COVID-19 world. Whether you’re on furlough or seeking activities that don’t involve anything university-related, here are some of the things that I, a student living in London, have been doing to keep myself productive. Third lockdowns the charm... right?


Learn a new language

Think of all the countries you’re going to visit when the travel bans are lifted and there are no more mandatory quarantines - you’re going to want to be ready. This lockdown I’ve committed myself to learn Spanish on Duolingo, so the next time I visit Barcelona I won’t have to ‘no comprendo’ my way through the entire trip! Plus, having a second language looks great to potential employers - use your time wisely and broaden your horizons.


Have a spring cleanout

2020’s work from home aesthetic is ‘so last lockdown’, so why not clear out your wardrobe and see what you could sell on Depop? I ransacked mine due to extreme procrastination during the second lockdown, and made £300 in 3 weeks; spend those newfound pennies on some cool back to work fits. Gymshark pants and sliders can only take you so far!

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Live clean

Exercise gives us endorphins which boost our mood, and it’s easy to feel like not working out once you’ve become so accustomed to eating, sleeping and working within the same 4 walls - it’s still important to take care of yourself physically. Whether you opt for Joe Wicks, Chloe Ting or the fittest new trainer on Instagram, getting up and moving will do wonders. Make sure to get those steps in! Try and eat as clean as you can too, but allow yourself a cheeky takeaway on the DL every now and then.

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Set goals

There’s no time like the present to begin planning for the future, however dystopian our current situation may feel. Whilst physical fitness should be a high priority, mental wellbeing is essential. Start each day by making a list of the things you have to do, and also some bits you want to do for yourself. No matter what deadlines may loom, I set myself an hour a day to do something non-university related; whether it be reading an actual book (yes, people still do that), sprucing up my LinkedIn or re-watching Euphoria, have that downtime your mind needs in order to stay sane.

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Gain valuable work experience

I’m currently one of 2 PR & Social Media interns here at Goho, and who knows, maybe one day this could be you too! Learning ‘on the job’ during a pandemic isn’t the typical internship experience, but I’m having a great time. If you’re interested in gaining experience in the communications industry, reach out to a local agency or give us a shout at hello@thisisgoho.com.

Craig ✌🏽


Craig is an intern with Goho as part of a partnership with his university, LSBU. Find out more about London South Bank University and their courses here: https://www.lsbu.ac.uk/

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