How to Make Your Event Memorable

Let’s be honest. Events are expensive. But they are also the best way for you to make a strong, lasting impression and relationship with your people, be it your staff, clients or potential clients. Experiences rule the roost in terms of engagement and ROI so let’s make sure you do it properly, and create lasting impressions and experiences that your people will never forget.

At Goho, we pride ourselves on bringing the wow factor,  we want to make people feel something, go ‘wow’ when they walk into a room, be amazed by the incredible food and drink, surroundings, service and entertainment and leave with a smile on their face.

We know not everyone can afford an events agency to plan their big day though, so here are some top tips from our magic makers on how to make your event go down a storm, being remembered for years to come.


Have a Consistent Theme

Take the time to think this through and plan it, ensuring everything works together holistically which mean you achieve your objectives and leave a lasting impression. We always ask our clients, what do you want your attendees to ‘feel’ when they come in and when they leave. Think about what you want, but also what you want your guests to feel and then find a theme that works for both. 

Find a Brilliant Venue

You can either search yourself or you can ask someone like us to find one for you, we offer free venue finding services, meaning you have less work to do, we already know all the best venues and have the best rates with them too, so you get better results, quicker and for free. Sound good? It is. You need a venue that’ll work for your event and attendees perfectly. Yes it needs to be gorgeous, but it also needs to be fit for purpose. Make sure catering facilities are big enough and suitable for what you need, is there a cloakroom, is it accessible? All questions you need to ask yourself, and check when booking a venue. Think about the journey of your guests and make it as seamless and enjoyable as possible. Even the most successful event can be marred by rubbish toilets, or a huge long queue for the cloakrooms.

Create Meaningful Content

Everyone is talking about authenticity these days, but honestly, it’s one of the most important things to remember. Book engaging entertainment that will fit with your brand and audience, if you’re giving presentations, make sure they are on brand and if they are long, then your guests have seating and/or are comfortable. A strong brand identity will make the purpose of your event clear and will ensure that your guests remember your brand favourably when recalling the event. 

Use Social Media

Create hashtags for the guests to use and encourage User Generated Content. Again, this helps you in the authenticity stakes, fresh UGC can show others exactly what your event is like, and what others’ experiences of your brand are. In the lead up to your event, you can build excitement on social media, make your event appear ‘unmissable’, encourage staff, influencers and external press and stakeholders to share your content too. You can stream live from your event if you have people who couldn’t attend, and make sure you follow up the event with throwbacks and other sharing of content. This will mean you get the most relevant content possible on your social channels and you also continue building your brand in an authentic way. (There it is again). 

Follow Up With Your Guests

Ask for feedback, ask them to share content, ask them what they’d like to see next time? Depending on the objectives of your event, perhaps you want to follow up to encourage meetings, sales of your products, booking onto your next event. Think about what you were looking to achieve from your event, and use the follow up step to cement this. 

Of course, you can always hire Goho (other events agencies do exist but we can’t speak for their services), to do all the hard work for you. We offer free venue finding, right through to full service events planning and management (including PR and Marketing your event if you do so wish).

Get in touch with the team to talk through any upcoming events you might have and how we can make them memorable for you and your guests.


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