Advice from the Recruitment Experts
We know that job hunting can be a mind field and it can be hard to stay positive especially in the current climate. In our latest Goho from Home we wanted to bring the experts to you.
What Does the Future Hold for the Events Industry
The global economy has taken a huge hit due to the pandemic and the events sector has been one of the most severely affected areas. In order to survive, event companies around the globe have had to quickly adapt and move their events online. But what comes next?
How to Create an Inclusive & Diverse Culture
The importance of diversity in the workplace has never been clearer, but is this increase in diversity leading to an increase in businesses creating inclusive working practices?
Wellbeing - Part Two
During Covid-19 our physical health has been at the forefront of discussion, but what about our mental health? In this session we’ll discuss what change actually means, we’ll also look into some theory on how it affects our thinking and some tactics of how to cope with it.
Leadership - Part Two
This special edition of Goho from Home sees our MD Stacey speaking with two leaders from Local Government, who have been billed as our fourth emergency service during these tough times. Joined by Susie Kemp from Swindon, and Jo Miller all the way from New Zealand!
Recruitment & HR - Part Two
After the success of the first webinar on this topic, there has been high demand for a second. We will continue the discussion on furlough and we’ll also cover virtual training, mental health, recruitment, employer branding and much more!
Advice on staying mentally healthy, reducing stress and anxiety, exercise, eating, boosting your immune systems and creating a healthy work/ life balance when it’s all happening under the same roof. We also discuss how you can best support your employees and teams mental wellbeing.
How you can leverage technology to support teams that are working remotely. We'll also discuss managing and renewing technology solutions, establishing what the 'Cloud' & 'AI/Machine Learning' are and how they can help your business during COVID-19
Advice on how best to support your team whilst maintaining a high level of performance, responding to questions when no clear answers exist and we'll also offer tips on how to keep your organisation motivated whilst everyone is at home.
Recruitment & HR
Looking to answer all you lockdown Recruitment & HR questions, and covering topics like how to engage your team and get them working together, and what laws and processes have changed.