Using Video Content to Grow Your Business in 2021

Have you seen the viral video and trends all over social media? They all seem to stem from TikTok... Well, this platform (along with Instagram Reels) is becoming a top contender when it comes to social media marketing (especially for small to medium businesses).

2021 is expected to be the year of video marketing - so why not get in on the fun and market your business at the same time?

Below are just some of the reasons you NEED jump on the short-form video trend to help grow your brand this year.


Video Wins

Video is rising fast and loads more online users are interacting with video content. According to a report from HubSpot Research, more than 50% of consumers want to see videos from brands … more than any other type of content!

Video allows users to interactively view your brand, products or services. It can be a versatile tool for salespeople throughout the entire customer buying journey. 

Also, according to HubSpot, about 78% of people watch videos every week, and 55% watch them every single day (something the team at Goho are definitely guilty of!). This explains why video is blowing up and businesses utilising video are standing out among the rest and resonating with their clientele.

An audience too big to ignore

Since the launch of TikTok, 2 billion users have downloaded the app and the platform has more than 800 million active users worldwide! And in January 2021, Instagram had around 30.36 million users in the United Kingdom.

Because of the volume of TikTok and Instagram users, your brand can have organic access to a vast and engaged audience without having to pay through the roof for social media advertisements (or try to trick the algorithm into helping you go viral…)


Reach international audience from a click of a button

Over 150 different countries have access to TikTok and Instagram is used by 50 countries - meaning you can reach the other side of the world from the comfort of your sofa!

Connect with your audience easier and more effectively

Have you struggled to connect to your audience through text and photo posts? A reason for that is because people aren't being able to see the human interaction element of your brand, which is where video content makes a difference. 

Within a simple and short 30 second clip you can deliver high-quality marketing to your audience, including professional-looking editing elements such as transitions, sound and animations which deliver higher engagement and support the tone of voice of your brand.

So many possibilities!

The possibilities are endless when it comes to video content, it allows all angles of the business or brand to flourish uniquely. From personal connection videos to product review videos you can connect to your target audience through so many different ways. 

Some great content ideas include:

  • Designing the product, step by step & then the final product

  • Meet the founder, answering questions like why the business was created etc

  • Customers using the product & reviews - what they experienced from the product or service

  • Dialogue Reenactments that relate to your business, these perform really well 

If you’d like more video content ideas, here is a great blog we recommend!


Goho's top tip for easy and effective video content: make sure you have videos of people and humans, a great way to connect people to your platform is showcasing the other people. One video idea is for the brand or business owner to talk to the camera and tell their audience who they are!

Goho’s team delves deep into the video creation process and researches the best techniques to use when reaching out to a target audience through videos. By studying the rise of video content we have gathered the resources and knowledge to create trending videos and high performing social media marketing. If you are looking for a social media agency to help you create video content or would like more information about video creation, please contact us at - we'd love to help out!


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