Creative Event: The Senses of Interflora

Earlier this month, we delivered an event for Interflora, to launch their newly refurbished office in Sleaford and their new way of working (hybrid/remote). It was the first time the company got together after the pandemic (big moment!), so they wanted to create a space where their 180 guests could move around the different rooms to explore the office, but also reconnect and have fun with their colleagues.

As we always say - give us the briefing and we'll do the magic. With Interflora it was no different. We decided to create the "sense of connection" through their five senses.

To make guests explore the building, we've planned experiences in different rooms, each one of them offering a special sensation to explore one of their senses. By enjoying those experiences together, they would then develop this 'sense of connection'.

The Sense of Connection was introduced by Kate Munday, our host and speaker, who brought some insights on the team and got them ready to enjoy the event.

And so they did.

From a workshop about connection through music (for Sound) to a journey through natural fragrances to choose Interflora's official scent (for Smell), including a magic mirror taking themed selfies (for Sight) and a delicious grazing lunch (for Taste).

We obviously had flowers too, with their florist teaching how to make a flower corsage, which not only explored their sense of Touch, but also gave them a gift to take home.

All guests had an event guide and earned a stamp for joining each activity. Just like a passport!

After all the fun, it was time to celebrate and, of course, party. Cake, champagne, and live music. What else could they ask for?

At the end, guests had chocolates and aroma diffusers (with the official scent they chose) to take home. They also had beautiful smiles on their faces, and kept telling everyone how happy they were to be there - the best feedback we can get!

We left Sleaford with smiles on our faces too. Doing events is hard work, but we love how they connect people. 

Want to offer an unforgettable experience to your team? Drop us a line and leave it with us ;)


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