Eco Friendly Summer Events

Did you know that over 80% of Event Planners (that includes us) take sustainability and eco-friendly measures when creating their event? 

This summer, we’re shining a light on some seriously sustainable event ideas to help you craft a unique, memorable and bloody brilliant event for your team. Luckily for you, these ideas are top secret and only available to those who read our blogs, so get ready to plan an event for the memory books! 

Go to the pictures but make it pedal powered!

Treat your team to a night under the summer stars by watching a timeless classic, a new horror or good old chick flick but wait, there’s a twist! What better way to keep your event eco-friendly by having your attendees generate the power themselves? Set up a screen &  projector powered by a bike powered generator in a park or open field, invite your guests for an active movie night and get watching! This activity combines health, socialisation and sustainability all in one to create a unique and enjoyable bonding experience under the stars.

Eco-Friendly Escape Rooms

Turning away from building your summer bod and build your team’s critical, analytical and thinking skills by partnering with a local escape room to create an evening of learning. With your partnered company, you can design rooms and challenges that include environmental issues such as reducing carbon footprints and pollution as the key problems to solve! Not only will your team learn a lot about the world, Its current environmental crises and how we can make a difference but they will leave feeling bonded, proud and knowledgeable on important issues in our society. 

Upcycled Art Workshop 

Turn waste into wonders by challenging your team to upcycle unwanted clothing, items and furniture into a unique piece of art. Led by an environmental artist of your choice, your team will be guided through an intimate and eye opening art session where they will learn about the impact of waste on our environment and the importance of reusing, recycling and upcycling man-made materials. Display the final installations in your office, or host an exhibition of your own with the profits beginning donated to an eco-friendly charity. Your work could also be donated to local community spaces along with a written message from the team on the importance of reducing waste. 

Just because we are the best at finding brilliant venues, here’s a few art galleries we’ve recently fallen in love with & would love to work with to make your event a masterpiece: 

Sustainably Sourced Food Festival

Host an eco-friendly food festival at your office or in a stunning summer venue of your choice! Each vendor should use sustainable practices and offer organic, locally sourced and plant-based options. To add an element of fun to this event, create teams within your guest list and have them go on an eco egg hunt. Each team will have to pair a list of pre-made facts to each sustainable vendor for example: “ Find the dish that contains 5 species that have been home grown in their chef’s garden”. Provide an engaging and personalised branded event map, printed on recycled paper of course, for each team to tick off and fill in their findings. Each winner gets a free plant based dinner for two at a restaurant of their choice.

And there you have it, four innovative and imaginative ideas to make your next event not only memorable but also sustainable. Whether it's a pedal-powered movie night, an eco-friendly escape room, an upcycled art workshop, or a sustainably sourced food festival, we’ve got you covered with unique concepts that blend fun, creativity, and eco-consciousness.

Ready to bring our blend of creativity and fun to life? Contact our event pros to set up a call today! We’re buzzing to work with you! /


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