Staying Connected with Clients during Coronavirus

Goho Working From Home

Staying Connected with Clients during Coronavirus 

Liv Harris - Head of Marketing & Events

In fast moving and uncertain times we understand many of you will face questions as organisations that you may not have answers to. During this difficult time one of the most important things we can recommend is clear and regular communication. 

It’s important to keep engaging with your clients and focusing on what is important to them. Think about your product or brand and think about what might be worrying your clients and what they might need some reassurance on. If you don’t know the answers just yet, don’t be afraid to communicate with what information you do have. You need to look at communication from the point of your audience and have empathy for their concerns rather than staying quiet because you don’t yet have all the information. Remember, we're all human, none of us have all the answers!

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There are however, plenty of ways of staying connected with clients during this time and we wanted to share a few ideas of how to do this:

  • Webinars - Many organisations are putting policies in place to limit face to face meetings so therefore events will be cancelled. However this doesn’t mean that your clients need to miss out on the content from these events. If you can’t do a face to face event have you thought about running it as a webinar? Webinars are a great way to share information with current clients or prospect clients. Speakers can be seen via video and attendees can ask questions throughout.

  • Social Media - Regular posts on social media will go a long way in staying in touch with clients. If you think your clients have a lot of questions you could host a twitter question and answer session at an allocated time to answer these.

  • Podcasts - Podcasts are a great way to share news and updates in a more personal way. You could use this tool to interview senior leadership about what your organisation is doing and share this with both clients and employees. You could also record a podcast about something positive and upbeat, which would go a long way in the current climate.  We have a studio that you can use, so again, get in touch if we can help. 

  • Emails - This might sound obvious but sending regular emails can be effective. Try and keep the tone positive and the message clear. Focus on what is important to the customer and focus on empathy. 

In all your methods of communication be genuine and remember we are all human beings and facing this challenge together. It’s important that we stay positive and all work together during this difficult time. Let’s do our best to support one another and keep communicating. 

If there is anything we can help with whether it’s using us as a sounding board to run through your communication plan or helping you deliver one of the options above, please get in touch.

Goho Marketing & Events

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