Instagram Tips & Myths to Consider this Year


Instagram Tips and Myths to Consider this Year

Olivia Thwaites - PR Executive @ Goho Marketing & Events

Tips for Using Instagram

  1. Research, research and research some more. It’s important to know what your competitors are posting and go from there. The trick is to learn what works for other brands in your field and take it that extra mile.

  2. Spend time on your Instagram copy. Captions that work are those that make your audience feel something. Emojis are a great way to do so and can help to visually capture your brands personality. 

  3. Make sure to have a recognisable aesthetic. A strong colour scheme and brand identity can do wonders for your Instagram page’s likeability.

  4. Welcome each new follower with a direct message! This shows your followers that you appreciate their support and you can even inform existing ones about upcoming events or your new product. 

  5. Why not try using Instagram live? Instagram live videos are hard to miss, as they appear at the front of your follower's stories and users are notified when accounts go live.

  6. Interact authentically with other brands and influencers. Make sure to reply to comments or feedback and jump on any trends going on in the market!

  7. Keep posting. It’s difficult to build an audience when you rarely post, so consistence is key. 


Instagram Myths

  • The more followers you have, the better your engagement is. Wrong! Even if you have 1 thousand followers and get 300 likes under your post, that means they are truly interested in your content.

  • You should post every day. Posting consistently gets strong results but it’s better to plan ahead and consider content that will be the most relevant to your audience.

  • Your brand should be on every social media platform. Not true, it’s more important to find a platform that fits your brand in order to be authentic and attract the right audience. 

  • Your customers don’t use social media. According to, there were 2.82 billion people using social media last year so it’s absolutely essential to work social media into your business strategy. 

  • Instagram is hiding your posts. Instagram’s feed is no longer shown in chronological order, so the platform uses its own algorithm and your previous history of engagement to decide which posts will the most importance to your followers.

  • Social media is free and easy marketing. Also wrong! It does take a lot of time and dedication to executive a thoughtful social media strategy.


Content Ideas for Instagram

  1. Take photos of your visual brand identity or logo in an aesthetically pleasing setting. This could be taking pictures of your logo against landscapes, cities or in the office! 

  2. Tell your audience more about your company's story. This could include information about your history, work-culture or traditions.

  3. Capture moments from brand-related events or make short video reports of what the company are up to. 

  4. Collate customer reviews or comments and turn them into a collage ready for your feed. 

  5. Launch a weekly Instagram story. It could be regarding your own tips, industry info or simply showing customers how to use your product. 

  6. Host an Instagram Q&A. This opens up a conversation between your brand and your customer, whether it’s about your product or not. 

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