Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

by Stacey-Rebekka Karlsson, Managing Director @ Goho

You may have noticed a slight change to our logo this month. That’s because it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month and we’re doing all we can to raise awareness and support CoppaFeel, a brilliant charity that is here to “help everyone stand the best possible chance of surviving breast cancer, by helping people get to know their boobs and pecs”. 

They are the first breast cancer charity in the UK to solely focus on raising awareness amongst young people, with the aim of instilling the knowledge and tools they need to get to know their bodies. They like to talk a serious message, in a light-hearted way, empowering people to start healthy habits for life.

Those of you who know the Goho team will know that Breast Cancer is a huge bloody deal for us. Not only does breast cancer affect 1 in 8 women in their lifetime, around 400 men are diagnosed each year, and breast cancer is still the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women under 40. 

Roxy, our Head of BD was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in December 2019. She’s a gorgeous, young, energetic soul and it hit us all hard. But she’s a fighter, a tiny little pocket rocket who didn’t let Cancer stand in her way of being a fabulous Mum to Levi, and living through lockdown. She had the treatment, kicked it to the kerb and in the style of Destiny’s Child, is a Survivor!

In January, my Nan was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, she too has made a full recovery, and my best mate found out she had the BRCA2 Gene and so opted for a double mastectomy a little while back.

All these ladies have given us so much inspiration and drive. We’re in awe of them, and their fearless attitude, positive energy and relentless will to kick BC back to where it belongs.

The world would be a way better place without Breast Cancer that’s for sure. We can’t eradicate it, yet…. But what we can do, is make sure we all check ourselves as often and effectively as possible. 

Please follow us this month, we’ll be doing a few activities and fundraisers. We’d love for you to be involved and of course to help us raise as much money as we can for this fabulous charity.

If you’d like to join us on any of our challenges, or suggest something you’d like us to do then get in touch! You can catch us on - and if you don’t get in touch, at the very least, remember to cop-a-feel before bed tonight. Sx


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