Our Campaign of the Month


Our Campaign of the Month

At Goho, we’re all about keeping active and it’s something we love doing together as a team. Before lockdown, we’d often go to spin and boxing classes and we’ve loved getting back out there since the gyms have reopened.

That’s why we knew we had to champion this campaign by Sport England. Sport England is a non-departmental public body under the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

Their campaign, ‘This Girl Can’, is an ongoing activation that aims to inspire more women and girls to take part in sport and physical activity. This couldn’t be more Goho! 

‘This Girl Can’ campaigns are especially empowering because they show the raw unfiltered reality of women exercising. Their adverts show women of all shapes and sizes, working out how and where we all do.

No airbrushing, no glamorous studios. ‘This Girl Can’ shows real women with real lives and bodies.


The campaigns feature everyday women and girls who have overcome their fears of being judged and who have found their own way of being physically active. They aim to inspire women and girls everywhere to feel comfortable in their own skin. 

When we started going to the gym, we’d often feel like we were being judged or over analysed but ‘This Girl Can’ is a campaign that encourages us to overcome those fears and empower ourselves.

This month, ‘This Girl Can’ came back with another fantastic campaign. The reworked campaign launched on Monday 14th September across TV, digital media and radio stations. Their new campaign celebrates the inventive ways that women have been keeping active during the pandemic.

The new ad features women from their original campaign ‘Me Again’ that launched earlier this year but shows how they fit exercising into their lives over lockdown.

Sport England supported the launch with research which found that women have a "clear appetite" to get active again. Their study found that 52 per cent of women have found new ways to exercise during lockdown!

In the video, they show numerous women including Aneesa, a 43-year-old mother of two from South London. Aneesa lost her job at the beginning of lockdown and started attending HIIT and dance sessions over Zoom instead.

Past campaigns have highlighted the societal barriers that prevent women from feeling like they can exercise in public. They use women who may have felt unable due to menopause, disability or LGBT+ inclusion.

This Girl Can, funded by The National Lottery, believes that there's no “right” way to get active. Click on their website to watch the fantastic new video! https://www.thisgirlcan.co.uk/

“However you jiggle, kick, lift, stretch, or sprint, it's time to get moving how you damn please.”


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