Unique virtual team building activities

We haven’t spoken about the events side of our business for a while, partly because we’ve been incredibly busy onboarding so many new clients for PR, Digital Marketing & Social Media, but also because it had all got a bit samey. Gin tasting on Zoom or virtual pub quiz anyone?

Let’s be honest, virtual events don’t have quite the same wow factor as face-to-face events, but there are so many ways to really make an impact, and what better audience to do it for than your team?  

It’s been proven that team building activities increase productivity and effectiveness in businesses, and they can also improve morale and wellbeing. So whilst it’s great to do client entertainment, don’t forget your own people too. I try to do a monthly activity/game/exercise for the team, the feedback is always great and we’ve seen a huge boost in employee morale, engagement and productivity too. 


Team stretch

OK, so not only are you now sitting at your desk in front of a computer for over 8 hours a day, but you’re also not even enjoying (can’t believe I’m writing this) a commute. Meaning your body is slumped over, in a position that’s not conducive to a healthy physique for way too long each day.

Gyms being closed has meant there are literally thousands of amazing trainers available for bespoke, one to one and even team classes and sessions, but one I would recommend wholly is Jodie Lee Tye, of 1Rebel fame.  A dancer by trade she understands not only how to stay fit and healthy but the importance of recovery. We’ve had a few team stretches to start the day, and believe you me, they are worth their weight in virtual gold. Setting you up for the day, re-aligning the spine and basically filling you full of lots of lovely zen energy without the spiritual preachings of Yoga. You can even go on mute so if you break a bit of wind whilst busting out a downward dog, no-one’ll know. 

www.jodieleetye.com - team sessions from £75

Cookery classes

I’m all about cooking, I absolutely love it. I genuinely don’t think there’s anything better than creating something delicious to eat from a bunch of ingredients you can find in your fridge and cupboards. Yep, I fancy myself as a bit of a Nigella on an episode of Ready, Steady Cook, but who wouldn't want to learn how to make a delicious ragu from some old sausages or delicious crusty bread without any kneading?

Thankfully, we have a little black book longer than your arm of all the best food and drink-related virtual events suppliers. Whether you want to want to master the art of pasta making with Strazzanti or whip up some canapes and cocktails with Positively Delicious - we can get you sorted.

https://strazzanti.co/ from £50+VAT pp

https://www.positivelydelicious.co.uk/ - Classes from £350+VAT




Kaiflow is a gamified coaching/therapy technique which uses a pack of cards to get your team into the flow state, unlocking their creativity, increasing their productivity and generally, bringing them closer together. They have been compared to Spark cards, for creativity, wellbeing, flow and equity. Goho all practice Kaiflow, and are members of their community Rebel Majesty. We’ve found that since starting with Kaiflow, we’ve become closer as a team, we’re much calmer, productivity has almost doubled, we’ve hit targets earlier, and there’s been far less tears!

Rebel Majesty membership is $29.99 a month per person, but specialised sessions created bespoke for your team are priced on application. Give them a try though, they’re incredible. 



jerusalem drag bingo-min.jpg

Who said virtual events had to be boring? Not us! Why not strut yourself straight into your lounge, sup delectable cocktails while playing drag bingo with Jerusalem Kitchen. Or while away a few hours making terrariums with the Botanical Boys?

www.jerusalembarandkitchen.com/ - from £23+VAT pp

https://www.botanicalboys.com/ - from £75+VAT pp

Whatever tickles your fancy, you can bet we’ve got a partner for it. Even if you’re not sure what you want to do, talk to us about your preferences or desired outcomes and we’ll inspire you with some fab ideas that fit your budget so get in touch.


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