Lines from the Lockdown - Part Two

Stacey Lockdown 2-min.png

Lines from the Lockdown - Part Two

I was massively humbled by all your messages and concerns after my blogpost last week. I hadn’t realised for one minute how many people would care, but I guess the world really has changed, or at least made people more compassionate and empathetic. Despite the impact on the business, I keep thinking how actually I’m quite enjoying this lockdown. 

Yes, I’m one of the lucky ones. I have a house with a garden, so there’s plenty of room for my partner and I to rattle around, we’re also blessed with bikes and a subscription to 1Rebel TV (it's the health version of Netflix and I binge on it every single morning). Darren has even started squeezing in quickie arm workouts between conference calls to keep him active. I’ve also created the Lockdown Games, a virtual team building exercise where we each take part in a challenge every week, from “Wildlife Photographer of the Week'' to “TikTok video with the most views”, we’re having a right laugh. I’ve been baking, cooking all our food from scratch, counting my macros, growing vegetables, gardening, writing music, painting, playing games, doing puzzles. I’ve been working. 

I guess I just wanted to let everyone know I am OK. I’ve made an almost full recovery, and am already out for my morning runs again. Sure, I’m nowhere near where I was. I’m running about half the distance I did before the Covid, and taking much longer to do each kilometre but I am running. My body is working and I am so grateful that I am one of the lucky ones. It could have ended so differently.  I guess my advice would be to listen to your body. You’ve lived with it for years, so you know what you can manage. When I was struggling to speak a sentence, obviously it wasn’t the best time for a 5km run, but I’m on the mend.

This new time I’ve been gifted is extraordinary to me. I’m usually darting around the world like no-bodies business, but this lockdown has made me slow down, and quite frankly, I can’t think of anything better for me right now.

I got a lovely message from a contact on LinkedIn (you know who you are).... He said, “Make sure you rest….. you’ve got the rest of your life to take the world on”. And he was totally right. Don’t be angry at this situation, embrace it, there’s ALWAYS a silver lining, you just have to find it.

Peace and Drums,



Goho From Home: Technology


Goho From Home: A Series for SMEs - Leadership