Goho From Home: Wellbeing


Goho From Home: Wellbeing

by Lana Mepham, Marketing and Events Manager

I read an article the other day about the buzzwords of Lockdown e.g. furlough, pandemic, COVID. They failed to include ‘wellbeing’. 

I’ve personally found that there’s a huge pressure to have a ‘lockdown glow up’. Every time I open Instagram there’s a workout going on, everyone is producing these amazing bakes (I'm on my 3rd attempt at a sourdough starter) and gaining new qualifications with Harvard. 

So when Goho announced their new wellbeing webinar - I admit, I was skeptical as to if I’d actually learn anything new. But as Goho’s Marketing & Events Manager, the attendance was compulsory. And do you know what? I’m so glad I went! 

Our Managing Director, Stacey-Rebekka Karlsson was joined by Jess McKee, a 1Rebel Master Trainer and Rachel Jenkins, founder of My Health Coach and for those who missed it, here are my top takeaways. 

Unplug once a week  

Even if it’s one day a week or even a half day, switch off all your devices and unplug. Rachel suggested going for a walk and taking some real me time to de-stress. 

Stop comparing yourself to other people

Jess touched on how comparing yourself to other people can leave you feeling really unmotivated. This is something I do ALL THE TIME. Social media is an edited reality which can have a detrimental effect on your self esteem, which everyone should be aware of. 

Be kind to yourself

It’s a really hard time at the moment. But the number 1 thing you should be doing is being kind to yourself. Jess suggested that instead of setting yourself unrealistic goals or tasks, that when not achieved can leave you feeling shit, focus on smaller wins. For example a 15 minute jog or eating food that makes you feel good. 

If all else fails - just stretch

Both Jess & Rachel explained the positive effect that simply stretching can have on your mood, reduce anxiety and improve sleep. Don’t even call it Yoga - just get moving a little now and then. 

The event was only half an hour, but during that time the panel packed so much advice, suggestions and guidance into the session. If you’re going to watch anything on wellbeing - make it this.

A recording of the session will be available on here in the coming days.

To watch ‘Goho from Home’ session live and to join in the live discussion, sign up to our upcoming events:


Goho From Home: Recruitment & HR - Part Two


Goho From Home: Technology