Goho From Home: Marketing

Goho From Home: Marketing

This week’s ‘Goho From Home’ covered all things Marketing, specifically answering questions for Marketers during COVID-19. The session covered how marketers should respond during this time, with the help of brilliant panelists Claire Thwaites, Head of Marketing at Marie Curie, and Louis Connor, Business Development Director at Infectious Media. 

With over 20 years of experience working in Marketing, Claire was able to answer questions using examples of how her team at Marie Curie are approaching the current climate. Louis was able to provide real insight from a digital perspective and supplied attendees with advice on how to appropriately navigate digital marketing during this time. 

When should you and shouldn't you mention COVID-19 in your communication strategy?

Claire: Well, consumers can see right through brands that jump on the bandwagon. So it’s important for companies to be authentic and helpful. Don’t be generic, comms should only add value to discussions around coronavirus. People are looking for distractions, so this is a good chance to provide your customers with relief and enjoyment! 

How should companies be changing their strategies to navigate this 'new normal'?

Louis: Brand’s should understand what is changing but I think the ‘new normal’ is actually becoming a bit of a buzzword. One company told me that 80 per cent of their sales was from the high street so if I was a brand now, I’d be looking at how to work well online. For example, lots of stores have set up digital changing rooms! 

What's the most important thing for brands to get right at the moment?

Claire: We’re all hearing about brands that aren’t treating their employees well at the moment, so physical and mental well-being is very important. It’s time for companies to think about their anxious workforce. People will remember good behaviour! 

Louis: People remember exactly how companies are reacting during this time, so your actions will leave your brand in a better or worse position when things return to normal. Tesco are a great example, as they quickly modified their advertising and their conduct in stores. 

What steps would you recommend brands take to ensure their strategy is fit for purpose during this climate?

Louis: Short term KPIs are very important but be mindful that KPIs can’t always be applied long-term, as so much is changing at the moment. Companies need to be aware of what's going on and know that certain things become either less or more of a priority.

Claire: Brands should get alongside their customers and know them very well. The more responsive you are, the better aligned you are. For example, for the first time we have quickly set up a Bereavement service, as so many people are grieving in the UK. 

How should companies react after getting things wrong?

Louis: Well, transparency is key so companies should make sure to always consult their employees and avoid making decisions without them in mind. 

Claire: Yes, brands have to be honest and hold their hands up when they don’t get things right. Then they should find a way of making reparation! 

That’s a little snapshot of the key topics touched on by the brilliant guests during Goho’s session,  but keep an eye on thisisgoho.com for the full Marketing recording early next week! 


Goho From Home: Leadership


Lines from the Lockdown - Part Three - Goho to GOHO