Wishing your Customers a Merry Christmas


Stuck on How to Wish Your Customers & Clients a Merry Christmas?

Lana Mepham - Marketing & Events Manager @ Goho Marketing & Events

It’s 7pm and I’ve just got home from work. I empty the contents from the Heinz tin into a pan and switch on the TV. Just as the soup starts to bubble, I hear a familiar song, ‘the holidays are coming’ and look up to see Coca-Cola’s big red truck. It’s Christmas. Officially! 🎄

Before I have a chance to pour the soup, a green CGI dragon appears on my television screen. Like most, I love big budget Christmas adverts and everything that comes with them. The excitement when they’re released and most importantly, the signal that it’s almost that time of year.

Christmas adverts have become a huge part of the festive season and it’s something that the public look forward to each year. Big brands use festive ads to not only sell their products but as a platform to communicate something meaningful to their customers.

Through the friendship between a CGI dragon and a little girl, John Lewis tells us they have a generous gifting heart and we should value one another for our differences. Tesco are selling a story of trust, through celebrating 100 years of being there for customers. While Sainsbury’s explain the origins of Father Christmas and what led him to be so generous, each advert following the theme of emotional storytelling.

Although the effect of festive adverts on shoppers and their purchasing decisions is hard to gauge, we do know that it goes along way in terms of creating a strong brand affinity. But what if you don’t have £1million to spend producing a video with CGI, special effects and celebrities? And that’s without considering the ad spend. I’ve taken a look at some great ways to communicate with your customers, but on a budget!

Christmas Shop Windows


If you benefit from being in a high footfall area or somewhere that your customers regularly use, then why not use your owned assets to communicate Christmas? Not only does a decorated shop window get people curious about your company, but it highlights that you are creative, thoughtful and enthusiastic.

Christmas Event

Hosting a festive event is probably one of the best ways, if not THE best way, to truly thank your customers for their business over the last year and build on those existing relationships. We know that nurturing current customers or clients is far more cost effective than seeking new ones, so it’s important to continue developing those strong leads.


Being able to have a human conversation with your client or potential client is the best way to strengthen your relationships and convey your appreciation for their business.

Your Christmas event could be drinks or dinner. It could be a huge event in a venue with a DJ. It could even be an entire trip abroad. It doesn’t really matter but as the saying goes, it is the thought that counts.

Tip: Venues at Christmas can be really busy and also quite costly. Why not hold an event in Jan to toast the new year, looking forward with your clients?

Christmas Cards

You might think Christmas Cards are an old hack, but we’re embracing the old tradition and sending our clients Christmas cards this year. It’s low budget, personal and it’s always a pleasant surprise for people when they arrive in the post.

For any eco-warriors concerned about paper, why not try 100% recycled eco-friendly Christmas cards? Or seed paper that when planted, the seeds germinate and grow into plants whilst the paper biodegrades?

Social Media

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Why not use your online shop window to wish your clients, customers and followers a merry Christmas? Social media is probably the cheapest way to celebrate Christmas but with a huge reach and is extremely accessible. Social media is another chance to show your creative side as a brand and as a team.

Ultimately, Christmas is a time to reflect so it’s crucial to let those who have been important to your business this year know. Although cards and social media posts may seem a small thank you, brands should do everything in their ability to strengthen and maintain existing relationships. Thoughtful and creative Christmas thank-yous go a long way and will help ensure you’re still front of mind when January comes back around.


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