A Day in the Life... with Lana.


A Day in the Life... with Lana.

We’re a super friendly bunch at Goho - and we want you guys to get to know us a little better. So we’re continuing our mini-series that introduces each member of the team. 

This time, we are joined by Lana, our Marketing & Events Manager! 


The alarm goes off and I jump out of bed. I’m really not much of a snoozer and usually wake up pretty fresh and ready to go. I don my running gear and head off for a run around Brockwell Park. It’s a beautiful park and the only one near me with any sort of hill - which I love. 

I get back at around 8.15, shower, grab a coffee and open my laptop. 


After clearing the team inbox and catching on emails I’ve missed over the weekend - it’s time for Goho’s daily catch up. We’re pretty good at keeping these to the point, so I’m back to work by 10.15am. 



I do this ridiculous fasting scheme, where I can’t eat until 1pm, so I’m normally starving at this point. I tell the team I’m off for lunch and run to the kitchen to prepare my all time favourite meal - eggs. I have scrambled eggs (the Gordon Ramsey technique - it will change your eggs forever), avocado and Sourdough (because I’m basic). Today I sat on our balcony, which is a little sun trap but with lovely views of Canary Wharf, Greenwich and The Shard.  

The afternoons are pretty crazy, finishing off proposals for new business pitches, getting weekly reports out to clients, writing new social media content for the week etc. Before I know it’s 5pm and I’ve still got like 25 things on my to-do list. 

On a good day, I’ll say goodbye to the team at 6pm - but recently there just hasn’t been enough hours in the day to get shit done, so it’s more like 7pm/8pm. 

Today is a good day and I shut my laptop down at 6pm - woo! 

I’ve found during lockdown the evenings feel SO long. So I usually get out for a walk, I grab a rucksack, shove in a jumper, water, my vape and a few snacks and head back out.

I walk 2 hours in total and cover 6 miles, taking me all the way through Dulwich - which is beautiful and somewhere I would LOVE to be able to afford to live. I basically just spend 2 hours looking at the amazing houses and dreaming about living there one day. Going for a walk gives me time to unwind, work things out in my head and catch up with a couple of mates on the phone. 


I get home with aching feet and a rumbling belly. I made a Chicken and Mushroom pie at the weekend (upcoming Lockdown challenge - watch this space) so I finished that off in front of the film ‘365 Days’ on Netflix. OMG if you haven’t seen it - watch it! It’s basically about a girl who has Stockholm syndrome, but I’m totally in love with it. 


I’m currently reading the absolute brick of a book, Sapiens. My dad lent it to me and I have to admit I’m rather enjoying it. Makes me feel rather educational too. 


Have a scroll through RightMove and check all the sold prices of the houses I saw earlier - then switch off my light and hit the hay.

Lana Mepham - Marketing & Events Manager @ Goho.


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