Stacey's 2021 Round-Up

Ahhh, 2021 - you came to us with so much hope, promising so much, vaccines, live music, travel, being able to see our friends and family again, freedom. 

But you made short work of almost all of that. We spent the first half of the year firmly in lockdown. Another chunk of the year not knowing what the rules were, we queued on mass for vaccinations, now we’re queuing for boosters, and we spent the rest of the time performing Lateral Flow Tests, or queuing for lateral flow tests.

So between all the lockdowns and queuing has anything actually good happened? Hell to the yeah….. 2021 has been a MASSIVE let down, but it still had some excellent bits, much like the new Ghostbusters movie.

Darren and I adopted our adorable Romanian Rescue pup, Truffle. You’ll have seen her sprawled out on our social media feeds, if you haven’t, where have you been? Make sure you’re following us for random puppy spam.

On the other side of the pond, Joe Biden was sworn in, not that we’re that overwhelmed by a geezer older than our Grandads moving into the White House, but what’s truly epic is that TRUMP MOVED OUT! (Who thankfully we haven't heard a peep from since).

Also in January, Team Goho ran a staggering 879km over the course of the month, and raised £1000 for Coppafeel.

By March we were well fed up with working from home, so we started throwing Goho Happy Hours on a Friday, which was basically an online piss-up for our friends and clients alike. The quiz wasn’t quite as good as the Robinson Ralph one, but we tried our best. 

We started working with both salesBeat and GIG in March, two amazing companies we are still proud to represent to this day.

In April we fooled almost everyone by plugging our fake Goho car on social media, offering a prize to whoever could snap me nipping round town in it, obviously I didn’t buy a white Fiat 500 and plaster it with fake Louis Vuitton get up in Goho colours…. Pfft. 

April also saw us welcome two absolute superstars onto Team Goho. Mariana and Emma stepped into the fold during the month, and were part of the family immediately. They’re keepers.

Instagram took the lead and announced users would be able to display up to four pronouns on their profiles. 

May 17th saw the re-opening of hospitality, properly. Live events were back baby! So we made full use of that by throwing an away day at the gorgeous Doyle Collection. Emily joined us as an intern then too, just in time to join the party, jammy or what.

May and June saw us throwing our first ever events to be attended by VI Pooches…. Yep, we pawtied with the best of ‘em at not one, but two events we organised for WagIt. (Which were pawfect in every way). Just another string to add to our already voluminous bow. 

With no Glastonbury this year, and most Pride events cancelled, the team did some first hand research on the best places to celebrate Pride in London. Whilst Nigeria banned Twitter. Nice.

In July we were named number 34, in Techround’s list of the top PR firms working with Tech companies and Startups. Well done team!

Football. Yeah, football. We thought it was coming home, but it wasn’t. The appalling racism towards some of the players following the match gave so-called fans of the beautiful game, a rather embarrassing kick up the arse.  The boys made us proud though, all of them. We cannot wait for the women's tournament next year!

The summer seemed to get lost this year, there were no red-hot long sunny days like the year before. It rained. A lot. Theatres and live music were allowed again though, so I took it upon myself, Charlotte in tow, to see ALL the shows in London. Support the Arts guys! 

Heading into the Autumn, and Stacey much anticipating Liv’s return in November, the team grew excited about the live event briefs coming in, but as the winter draws near, it's becoming more and more apparent that they are not gonna happen. 

In September we delivered a super successful hybrid event for KLC. The whole team pulled together to deliver this, with everything from creating videos showing virtual attendees how to use the platform, to delivering a completely covid-safe in person leg of the event. 

October was the start of the amazing OOH campaign we did for GIG, from concept, to planning, to delivery. #ChooseGIG was a highlight of my year. Using all real employees as models, with their stories and reasons why they choose to work in the gig economy. It was a pleasure working with so many amazing people and seeing the project come to life.

Succession came back on telly. If you haven't seen it, start bingeing now. From the writer of Peep Show, this thrilling portrayal of a Murdoch-esque, family-run, corrupt media empire is the new show you won’t be able to live without.

Talking of TV shows. Squid Game mania took over the planet, just in-time for Halloween, so everyone thought they were being original donning a blue or red tracksuit, spoiler alert, everyone wore them.

And then we’re back here. How did we get here again? BoJo promised us a decent Christmas didn’t he? Now there’s talk of lockdown, everyone I know has COVID and in an eerie nod to last year, hospitality venues are choosing to shut. There’s been some great memes, my current favourite “Dodging Covid for Christmas is the new endurance sport.” 

In all seriousness though, Goho has the strongest team we’ve ever had, we have clients we love working with and lockdown or covid or anything else wont stop us delivering for them. We’ll keep growing, we’ll hopefully get to celebrate our birthday in 2022, and we’ll have hopefully learnt to live with or manage Covid more effectively by next Christmas.

In the words of Tiny Tim, God bless us everyone. 

Have a great Christmas all.



Things to do in London in January 2022


GoHOHOHO: Our team as Christmas characters