A Day In The Life #1

We’re a super friendly bunch at Goho - and we want you guys to get to know us better. So we’re launching a new mini-series that introduces each member of the team. 

For the first one, we’ve asked Roxy, our head of Business Development at Goho Marketing & Events to take us through her usual working day. 

Roxy joined us in October and has already made a big impression on our clients and succeeded in winning new business.  

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The alarm goes off at 7am and I jump out of bed. I’ve never been one of those people to snooze the alarm, when I’m up, I’m up. 

At 8am I wake up my 8 year old son, Levi. Then have a tight 30 minute turnaround to get him dressed, fed and out of the door! 

At 8.40am, I’ve dropped him off at school and I begin the 1 hour and a half commute to our lovely office in Shoreditch. Once I’ve found the rest of the team, I check my emails. Scrap that. I get coffee first. Can’t do anything without coffee! And then I check my emails. 

At 10am everyday, the Goho team have a stand up meeting. This gives us a chance to catch up on any updates, collaborate on different projects, hand over work and highlight key priorities. I then crack on with whatever is on my list, which tends to be chasing proposals, speaking with new business leads and managing current projects. 

By half 12, I am starving. If I don’t have time for the gym, I’ll nip out to EAT or Pret for a soup or something warm. 

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The afternoon is usually the time I’m out and about meeting and catching up with clients. That’s one of the things I love about my job, spending time with our clients is something that Goho holds as a priority, which means we get to build strong working relationships and really get to know their businesses and needs. 

By half 4, I’m running out of the office to pick Levi up from School. Once he’s home and settled, I’ll open my laptop and crack on with work. 

7.00pm I’ll serve dinner (usually a curry or a hearty stew).

By 9pm I’ve put Levi to bed and have some uninterrupted time to finish off any outstanding work. 

I then sit down with a good book… LOL it’s actually Tatler Magazine, but a book sounds more high brow right? 

10pm I’m sound asleep! 

Sorry, is that really boring? Haha 

Roxy Fielding 



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